The working committee of “Weltanschauungsfragen e.V.’s “opinion on the ISLAM:
In responsibility before God it’s indispensable to value the Islam only on the basic principle of the Bible. God who became human through Jesus Christ urged us to have no other gods besides Him. Jesus Christ affirms this in John 11,25: “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again. They are given eternal life for believing in me and will never perish.” – Whoever looks for possible similarities between “Allah” of the Koran and God of the Bible and manifests them publicly, sins against our triune God.
Every Muslim has to obey the calling of the Islamic deity to conquer the whole world. If he opposes himself to this calling or reinterprets it, he is according to the Islamic teachings not a Muslim but an unbeliever. The Koran doesn’t only tell its followers to kill those who don’t bow to Allah, it also demands to lie whenever it is useful in order to enforce the Mohammedan system of though and believe. The Islam is an ungodly teaching because no one else but Satan wants to destroy life and spread lies. Islamism is nothing else than an Islam according to Mohammad’s ideal of a practicing religion which every community has to orient itself towards. Worldwide war and terror caused by Muslims can only be located in this Islamic ideology which ultimately has created the basis for all of it.
Whoever as a Christian tries to value the Islam out of a religious scientific dimension and believes the fact that there must be an improvement in order to have a peaceful religion according to the Enlightenment, doesn’t only avoid the Muslim foundation but also abandons the biblical foundation by fading out the biblical Revelation. God’s authority stands above all human need for harmony. Every Muslim even if he is very secular and liberal, relies on the prophet Mohammad whose butcherly deeds in this world are irreversible. We oppose a critically historical perspective of the Koran exactly as much as of the Bible. Whoever looks upon the Islam favorably or even supports it, doesn’t only betray all the worldwide persecuted Christians in the Islamic countries but also betrays those people who have found rescue out of this ideology through Christ.
On the one hand, we encounter in the Islam a prior repression and conquest ideology towards Christians and Jews. On the other hand, we encounter people of Islamic faith who need to find salvation through Jesus Christ. They are also God’s creatures who need to be respected and who are worthy to hear of God’s salvation. Alone the Holy Scripture and the spirit of the triune God can bring these lost people to repentance and change. It isn’t our job to reform the Islam which leads people into eternal death, but it is our job to pray for Muslims and to evangelize to them so that also they can experience salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
We do not follow the spirit of humanism which tries to put all worldviews equally on one level, but we follow the God of the Bible. Alone Jesus Christ who was without sin embodies fulfilling and forever valid promises. Only in Him is truth and the way to the true God and to eternal life. The God of the Bible doesn’t allow any other options. All of those self-invented and thought up ways of humans, just like the Islam, lead astray.
Board of management of the working committee of “Weltanschauungsfragen e.V.”
Copy and duplication only with explicit permission of the working committee of “Weltanschauungsfragen e.V.”