The work­ing com­mit­tee of “Weltan­schau­ungs­fra­gen e.V.’s “opin­ion on the ISLAM:

In respon­si­bil­i­ty before God it’s indis­pens­able to val­ue the Islam only on the basic prin­ci­ple of the Bible. God who became human through Jesus Christ urged us to have no oth­er gods besides Him. Jesus Christ affirms this in John 11,25: “I am the res­ur­rec­tion and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like every­one else, will live again. They are giv­en eter­nal life for believ­ing in me and will nev­er per­ish.” – Who­ev­er looks for pos­si­ble sim­i­lar­i­ties between “Allah” of the Koran and God of the Bible and man­i­fests them pub­licly, sins against our tri­une God. 

Every Mus­lim has to obey the call­ing of the Islam­ic deity to con­quer the whole world. If he oppos­es him­self to this call­ing or rein­ter­prets it, he is accord­ing to the Islam­ic teach­ings not a Mus­lim but an unbe­liev­er. The Koran doesn’t only tell its fol­low­ers to kill those who don’t bow to Allah, it also demands to lie when­ev­er it is use­ful in order to enforce the Mohammedan sys­tem of though and believe. The Islam is an ungod­ly teach­ing because no one else but Satan wants to destroy life and spread lies. Islamism is noth­ing else than an Islam accord­ing to Moham­mad’s ide­al of a prac­tic­ing reli­gion which every com­mu­ni­ty has to ori­ent itself towards. World­wide war and ter­ror caused by Mus­lims can only be locat­ed in this Islam­ic ide­ol­o­gy which ulti­mate­ly has cre­at­ed the basis for all of it. 

Who­ev­er as a Chris­t­ian tries to val­ue the Islam out of a reli­gious sci­en­tif­ic dimen­sion and believes the fact that there must be an improve­ment in order to have a peace­ful reli­gion accord­ing to the Enlight­en­ment, doesn’t only avoid the Mus­lim foun­da­tion but also aban­dons the bib­li­cal foun­da­tion by fad­ing out the bib­li­cal Rev­e­la­tion. God’s author­i­ty stands above all human need for har­mo­ny. Every Mus­lim even if he is very sec­u­lar and lib­er­al, relies on the prophet Moham­mad whose butcher­ly deeds in this world are irre­versible. We oppose a crit­i­cal­ly his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive of the Koran exact­ly as much as of the Bible. Who­ev­er looks upon the Islam favor­ably or even sup­ports it, doesn’t only betray all the world­wide per­se­cut­ed Chris­tians in the Islam­ic coun­tries but also betrays those peo­ple who have found res­cue out of this ide­ol­o­gy through Christ. 

On the one hand, we encounter in the Islam a pri­or repres­sion and con­quest ide­ol­o­gy towards Chris­tians and Jews. On the oth­er hand, we encounter peo­ple of Islam­ic faith who need to find sal­va­tion through Jesus Christ. They are also God’s crea­tures who need to be respect­ed and who are wor­thy to hear of God’s sal­va­tion. Alone the Holy Scrip­ture and the spir­it of the tri­une God can bring these lost peo­ple to repen­tance and change. It isn’t our job to reform the Islam which leads peo­ple into eter­nal death, but it is our job to pray for Mus­lims and to evan­ge­lize to them so that also they can expe­ri­ence sal­va­tion through faith in Jesus Christ. 

We do not fol­low the spir­it of human­ism which tries to put all world­views equal­ly on one lev­el, but we fol­low the God of the Bible. Alone Jesus Christ who was with­out sin embod­ies ful­fill­ing and for­ev­er valid promis­es. Only in Him is truth and the way to the true God and to eter­nal life. The God of the Bible doesn’t allow any oth­er options. All of those self-invent­ed and thought up ways of humans, just like the Islam, lead astray. 

Board of man­age­ment of the work­ing com­mit­tee of “Weltan­schau­ungs­fra­gen e.V.”

Copy and dupli­ca­tion only with explic­it per­mis­sion of the work­ing com­mit­tee of “Weltan­schau­ungs­fra­gen e.V.”